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Valeria Timofeeva (aka Lady Flamberg) is a kind soul and armorer in tattoo art. Her creativity is thoughtful, full of meanings and references to the past and present.

Valeria painted dark stories as a child. By her admission, the black marker always ends first. In sixth grade, Mom offered to be a tattooer, but Lera decided to follow her advice after 20 years old. Until then, she wanted to become an armorer (like her grandfather) and even had time to work in the forge.

A special place in Valeria’s art is occupied by a knightly theme. In an interview to Moscow Tattoo Week Festival: «I adored books about adventures and exploits, in the 10th grade I switched to memoirs about the war. When the girls were playing with dolls, I made a bow with arrows and a sword».
Valeria also has a series of tattoos with cats, which are usually performed in the same atmospheric style and tone. The proceeds are sent to cat shelters.